Imperialism in decline: Compulsion to the next big war
Dmitri Novikov (Vice-Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation)
Primacy of the Economy: High armament and intensified exploitation
Lucia Pradella (Sociologist at Kings College in London)
Role of democracy: Dismantling of rights in the bourgeois state
Juan Ramón Quintana (Former Minister of the Presidency in Evo Morales's administration, Bolivia)
Mainstreaming of the media: Manipulation before information
Rania Khalek (journalist and media analyst) and
Jeremy Corbyn (Member of Parliament for Islington North)
Organise resistance: Work, produce and live according to human needs instead of instead of maximizing profits
Rosario del Pilar Pentón Díaz (Rector of the University of the Communist Party of Cuba)
Solidarity with the political prisoners
With Mumia Abu-Jamal (political prisoner and journalist), Mike Africa jr. (Prison Radio) and others
How we prevent the next big war
The threat of a major war involving the use of nuclear weapons is very real. But the peace movement in this country, weak and insufficiently organised, is not prepared for this challenge. There is no question: resistance to NATO's aggressive course must be carried by a broad social base that unites different forces with clarity of purpose. But how can the resistance be better networked, how can mobilisation be increased? How can opponents of war make themselves heard more publicly, become more effective? We will discuss these questions with representatives from trade unions, churches, the peace movement and political parties.
Stefan Huth, editor-in-chief of jW, talks about these questions with Sören Pellmann (member of parliament, Die Linke), Andrea Hornung (chairperson of SDAJ), Martin Singe (Pax Christi, spokesperson for »Büchel is everywhere - atomwaffenfrei.jetzt«), Horst Schmitthenner (IG Metall) and a representative from the anti-militarist alliance »Rheinmetall entwaffnen«.
New federal government, new attacks. Organising youth – but how?
Shortly after the federal election, it became clear where the journey under the »traffic light« (coalition of social democrats, liberals and green party) is heading. The economic crisis continues and its costs are being passed on to the working masses. A slightly higher minimum wage and a few vague promises on climate protection will not change anything. Many young people will be disappointed with the new federal government – and thus can be won over for struggles against these attacks. We will discuss how these struggles can be organised and brought together at the youth panel of the Socialist German Worker’s Youth (SDAJ).
Sophia Autenrieth talks with Julian Schröder (active in the district youth committee of the Union of Metal Workers of North Rhine-Westphalia), Marius Dornemann (Federal Executive Board of SDAJ), Tugba Kirci (Federal Executive Board of the Youth migrant Workers' Association, DIDF-Jugend) und Lu Mayer (spokesperson Left Youth Solid Berlin).
Cultural programme
Opening band: Skazka Orchestra Berlin
SiDat! theatre: »Hoelz trifft Bischofferode«
scenes from »Die Hellen Haufen« from Volker Braun (adapted by Peter Wittig)
Concert: Songs of the Paris Commune
With »Die Grenzgänger« and surprise guests
Film discussion on »Otac - Vater«
With director Srdan Golubović
Esther Bejarano - Unconditional Commemoration
Farewell and Mission
With Rolf Becker
Exhibition: »War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength«
Supported by the group »Tendenzen«
The bosses are preparing another big war. Because they believe it would be the only way to save the capitalist rule. But because those below no longer want either, many values are being turned into their opposite. Wars have always been prepared with deception and confusion. The next great war can therefore only be prevented through enlightenment and resistance. This exhibition makes a contribution to that.
Further exhibitions:
The communist Max Hoelz (Freundeskreis Max Hoelz e.V.)
50 years of »Radikalenerlass« (AG Berufsverbote in der GEW Berlin)